Friday, August 7, 2015

Balancing Work and Family

Balancing Work and Family can be a huge deal made easy with these positive and inspirational strategies and tips that includes daily inspirational quotes and positive quotes about family.

Lifelong peace and happiness can be obtained with a strong family. Society needs strong families. Strong families need strong marriages. Strong marriages need people with strong hearts and a good balance of what's essential in life.

*Here is how the process starts...

The first thing to do in regaining that life work balance and focus on family is to determine the things that are most important to you.

The second step is to create a list and write down what those important things are. Starting with the most important.

The third step is to focus on the the top 2 or 3 items that you have put on your list.

The fourth step is to begin to center the bulk of your daily actions around those 2-3 more important items on your list.

By following this uncomplicated process you will be half way to accomplishing your goal of balancing work and family. You will begin to get in tune with the important things in your life and this will lead you and your family true happiness that can only be achieved from a strong family.

*The support of a strong family at home helps people and helps careers.

The road to a strong family is an exploratory journey and one of profound discovery. It’s an imperfect path created by many decisions and a great deal of risk taking and much learning.

As the path unfolds before you, you’ll make decisions that will lead to one direction and you’ll suddenly see yourself going in a different direction.

The decisions you make are never always permanent but just another step in the direction that you wish to go.

Keep an open mind to experiences you never expected to encounter and never be afraid to make a wrong decision.

Stay firm to a solid core of values and principles and know that through all the confusion and uncertainty that you’ll face, you’ll always be moving in the path you wish to go even in times when it seems that you’re moving in the opposite direction.

Be grateful for the blessings of all your strengths and know that you have the God given gifts to withstand everything that is put in front of you even in times of true test.

Build your path to a strong family and for all your work you’ll be blessed with so much more.

~J. Charest

"Make It A Good Day"

*Strategies to Balancing WORK AND FAMILY

1. Life Work Balance is a Daily Effort. Your actions need to turn into part of your daily effort. The balancing part doesn't come naturally. Find inspiration for your actions in our inspirational quotes (put into picture in this post) and learn how they can help you make positive changes.

2. Make a List and Write Down Your Priorities (like what I've said previously). It's important to point it out again. It will be easier to act on the stuff that matter most to you if you actually write them down on paper and you can also put it on your tablet's or mobile phone's organizer. Keep the list near you or you can make a daily alarm and review it each day to reinforce your actions toward positive focus on family success.

3. Stick To Your Family Values. You will need to make challenging decisions along the way. Stand firm to your values and belief no matter how hard the decision is to start moving towards positive life and family changes. Know your priorities and stick to them.

4. Remain Flexible in Your Efforts to Achieve Balance. Life will throw you hard puches and your life situation will change and you may need to make adjustments along the way. It's important to stay open minded to change and stay flexible in your efforts.

5. Stay Healthy and Reduce Stress. Sickness and stress at work can put undue pressure on family life. Working long hours, no exercise and poor eating habits will lead to poor health and increased stress. Exercise regularly and eat healthy and your family will benefit. Healthy living is a very important family value and an important part of balancing work and family..


1. Are you successful at making the time to do things with your family everyday?

2. Do you engage in a quality family time on a regular basis without feeling anxious or thinking about work?

3. Can you participate in family activities without interrupting those activities with concerns of unfinished business at work?

4. Can you keep your focus on family during family time without worrying about your own life work balance?

If you answered "YES" to all of the questions, then you are well on your way to balancing work and family. But don't stop here because there is still more work to do in strengthening your family values.

You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once.
~Polish Proverb

*Additional Tips for Balancing Work and Family

Your success at balancing work and family will have an enormous impact on your kids and the family structure that they will be surrounded by for love and support.

It's this love and support structure and your teachings of strong family values that will give them the tools they need as adults to be successful at balancing work and family in thier own lives.

They will have a stonger family and will be more successful parents.

A successful family/work life is dependent on finding the right balance, making the right choices and ensuring that you have the flexibility, systems and support to achieve the goals that you have set. It takes teamwork, perseverance and a lot of effort. Remember that you can anything but you just can't do EVERYTHING.

Please write a comment or send an email if you have questions or suggestions so we can make this post much more informative.

Thanks for reading and I hope you've learn something. Stay blessed!

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